Tuesday 29 November 2011

Trust in God

The acid test of our faith in the promises of God is never found in the easygoing, comfortable ways of life, but in the great emergencies, the times of storm and stress, the days of adversity, when all human aid fails.
--Ethel Bell

Sometimes it seems as if God will let us go to the last minute to pay our bills because He wants to stretch us. Often we go through hard times because He is preparing to give us much more in the future and He wants us to be good guardians of what He gives us. He also builds our faith in Him, because without a "trial" there can be NO "miracle." Without a "test" there can be NO "testimony." Way back in the beginning when we have to get down on our knees and really trust God for every penny... we’ll carry that with us when we go into the land of "more than enough." You will take the character that you learn when you have just barely enough or not enough and you will learn trust in Him alone. You will become that good steward because you will remember the times when you had nothing.

Psalm 37:8
“Cease from anger, and forsake wrath: fret not thyself in any wise to do evil.”

If you’re not resting in God, if you’re not committing, delighting, and trusting in the Lord, then you will be angry and frustrated and you will fret. That is why He is telling you in the very beginning of this Psalm that you are to fret not. If He has to tell you, that means that there is probably some fretting going on.

Don’t get upset because everything is not going your way. God may be building some character on the inside of you or creating a greater dependency in you. Wait patiently before Him, because the only thing God has to do is speak forth that word, “let there be”, and you can walk on that creative word from the Lord for you. No matter what you are going through, you can walk on that word, you will not drown, you will not be despised, you will not be rejected. It doesn’t matter if you’re in your tomb and you think you’re getting ready to die. God’s hand is upon you. He is speaking forth the WORD. Your steps are being ordered.

Do NOT fret today my friend! All you need is FAITH in God! He will never leave you or forsake you. He is holding you close even now.

Faith expects from God what is beyond all expectation.
--Andrew Murray

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