Monday 28 November 2011

Fix your eyes on Jesus :)

You may start out with 100 people walking this journey with you, and only end up with 2 standing by your side, but it will NEVER be about the people, it's about keeping your eyes fixed on JESUS and stepping into the PURPOSE that He has ordained only for you! Set your face like flint - DON'T LOOK TO THE LEFT AND DON'T LOOK TO THE RIGHT!! Sometimes people are only in our lives for a season - and it will be for a purpose, but NEVER WILL IT BE TO PLACE YOUR TRUST OR FAITH IN THEM! IF THEIR NOT WITH YOU NOW, REST ASSURED - GOD KNOWS WHAT HE IS DOING!! 
"DON'T CAST YOUR PEARL BEFORE THE SWINE!" God will always bring forth the spiritual revelation that you are in need of when you are seeking Him for answers and for direction in your life. WHEN THE LORD SHOWS YOU SOMETHING OR SPEAKS SOMETHING TO YOU, HOLD ON TO IT, IT'S FOR A REASON - POSSIBLY TO HELP YOU GET THROUGH A TRIAL THAT YOUR WALKING
"GOD IS NOT THE AUTHOR OF CONFUSION!" 1 Cor. 14:33 When a prophetic word is given, a vision or a dream to you by someone else, if you don't bear witness with the prophetic word, then pay no attention to it! It must be judged before it is received anyway (1 Cor. 14:29). If you're a praying woman or man, you can HEAR from GOD as well! NEVER be quick to receive just any word! BE WISE!! This is one reason why we are to "know them which labour among you" (1 Thess. 5:12). JUDGE ALL PROPHETIC WORDS, VISIONS AND DREAMS SPOKEN TO YOU BY THE WORD OF GOD AND JUDGE IT BY THE "REPUTATION" OF THE ONE DELIVERING IT TO YOU! There are false teachers and false prophets among us, one message spoken to you out of someone's spirit and not from the Spirit of God can set you on the wrong path!

· · 44 minutes ago via Mob

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