Saturday 25 February 2012

The gospel is needed

Needless to say that attitude would be the epitome of selfishness, even criminal.  The correct answer is that you want to get the cure out to as many people as possible and as quickly as you possibly can.

To use another example, lets say that you were walking down the street and you heard someone screaming who is trapped in a house that is burning down. What do you do? just hope someone is around who can help or do you take action and do something?

How much more important is the truth of the gospel message, for it is a cure that is even more significant than a cure for cancer, that does not mean doing it rudely or harshly, or look at people as "notches on your belt." It means lovingly, yet boldly engaging them with the gospel message.
It's a option of freedom, a new life. we can actually have an impact into the lives of anyone around us, When we share the gospel with others, it's like we are going to a person who is trapped in a burning house, with only moments to live, and pulling them to safety. Scripture describes it as "Rescue others by snatching them from the flames of judgment" (Jude 1:23 NLT).

Evangelism is such an important part of our journey, its the reason we are here to share the good news with everyone we have contact with. Surely surrendering our pride and what people think of us is worth giving up if it means someone can be set free and have Salvation.

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