Tuesday 3 January 2012

Running a Race

In a number of ways, it has been a lot like running a race for me this year, but not running an ordinary race as there have been many hurdles along the way, but Jesus pulled me through it all. so be encouraged "Keep going . . . You can run this race well . . . Hang in there . . . Stay with it."

This year I have run, not walked, through doors of opportunity into territory that I have never been in before. I have taken steps of faith to expand my relationship with the lord and impact the lives of others. 

But it is not enough to just start a race, or just run a portion of the course . . . I want to finish the race and finish it well

As I start my Journey with Pais Project the next couple of weeks it will be 
the beginning of the next stage in the Race i've been running, I know the 
Lord will be with me and provide all that I need because he always has and 
always will. 

One thing I want to say to encourage you is, Stay Strong and believe that he 
will provide for it says in his word


  1. Great post! And we miss you! Love the thought about running the race and finishing it well :)

  2. Thanks, we can all finish the Race as long as we stick with God, miss you guys too x

  3. Thanks for linking up too :)
