Saturday 3 December 2011

Life is a Journey.

It has become one of the biggest misconceptions, “Christians are perfect” – never needing encouragement or inspiration. Truth be told, being a Christian does not prevent you from ever struggling nor feeling down, defeated or discouraged.

Life is a journey and at times it’s hard, frustrating and lonely. As a Christian, spiritual encouragement is needed but we also need daily words of encouragement for our daily walk with Christ

Oftentimes, when we’ve sinned or done something that was not of God, we tend to dwell on those sins and as a result feel as though we’ve failed God. However, according to the Bible, God did not send his son Jesus to die on the cross to condemn you, but rather to save you.

As believers and followers of Christ, we must learn the importance of forgiveness. Through Jesus teachings, it’s made clear to forgive those who have offended you. Have you forgiven? Are you still carrying hurt? Are you holding a grudge against someone?

As much as I enjoy providing inspirational messages, you must understand that God is the only one who can change the situation that you’re in around. He is the only one who can work ALL things, even the bad, to your good.

For Strength

  • Sometimes we'll look at "disasters" in our lives and think God abandon us, but little do you know...God is setting you up for a major blessing! Don't look at where you are...look at where you're heading!
  • God has given you the strength, resources and means to accomplish just what He's told you to do. The only thing you have to do is be obedient and leave the when, where and how's to Him.
  • In our OWN strength we are LIMITED....But in God's strength the limitations are removed and the impossible is made possible!
  • Sometimes the situations you're faced with will make you want to give up. However, what God brings you to...He will bring you through.
  • Surrendering your burdens to God oftentimes is NOT easy...However, it's something that we need to exercise more of. You're NOT built to carry burdens...cast them upon the Lord.
  • When you feel inadequate you just speak, "Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world." 1 John 4:4
  • You don't need to have the know how when you walk with the one that knows how. Consult with Jesus, He’ll show you the way! 

If you do not have a relationship with Jesus, I encourage you to experience the true vine. Religion didn’t bring me to God, the love and compassion of Christ did. God does desires a relationship with you; an authentic personal relationship with you Accept Jesus Christ in your life today!

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