Wednesday 7 December 2011

God Is Faithful!

Ever looked at your life and wondered if God was there?  Ever felt like giving up because obeying God seemed harder than you thought?  You are not alone! I’ve experienced the same.  There is encouragement for you today.  Know that God is faithful!

1 Corinthians 1:9 tells us
"God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord"

Never did I imagine the past 3 years of my life being a faith walk (literally).  Let me paint the picture:  In 2006, I finished High School asked the Lord what do you want me to do next, didn't feel ALevels and University was the way I should be going. So I did a gap year with Ignite working as an administrator.

This was a great experience for me as it came to the end of my time with them they asked me if I was interested in being involved with their Schools team, this sounded exciting and I really wanted to be involved, so I prayed and asked the Lord what I should do.  God begins revealing His purpose for my life and I felt the school team was the direction he was calling me, I had no idea how I was going to pay the finances without the support of family and friends but the Lord said "I will Provide"!

A few weeks before the Finanaces were due in I receive some money - GOD PROVIDED! I was shocked, thought I was dreaming, but it was real! the Lord had use someone to send me the money so I was able to do the schools team :)

I didn’t understand much of what God was doing nor allowing in my life but knew this was the turning point in my life ,Life as I knew it would never be the same, God was faithful with provision
I had bumps along the way and faced moments of fear, tears and weariness.  Even moments of despair, depression and even doubt while at my lowest.  But even then, God was faithful to do just what He said He would do. I struggled knowing people were not supporting me in this journey but God was with me through it all.

I don’t share this snippet of my life to discourage you, but to encourage and empower you!  Whatever it is you are facing, know that God is faithful!  You may not understand all that is happening in your life and why God, being the sovereign God that He is, didn’t stop a particular situation from happening – but through the ups and downs learn to trust Him!

The word of God says, “The LORD directs the steps of the godly” (Psalm 37:23). Sometimes God directs our paths to grounds that will literally shake our world, but know that those same grounds will help prepare you for your destiny and purpose.

If there’s one thing that has helped me during this process, that would be prayer and calling out things as though they were (faith).  I know this is easily said than done – especially when prayer doesn’t appear to work at times, but pray!  I’ve witness the hand of God move as a result of prayer. Confess those things God has promised you and hold fast to the profession of your faith without wavering; for He is faithful Hebrews 10:23 - "Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful"

Be encouraged and know that if God called you to it, He WILL get you THROUGH IT! My life is literally a testimony of this.  God is faithful and will not abandon that which He loves –YOU!

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