Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Mind Blowing!

It's been a while since my last post, so much has happened. Here's some recent news for you though.

Since November last year I have been having seizures on and off sometimes more than one a day. This has meant many admissions into hospital and numerous amount of tests which have led to many diagnosis and treatments but none of which have solved the problem. This has been a challenging time and I would never of got through it without the support of many people, you know who you are, thanks for everything.

So 2 weeks ago today I was admitted into hospital after having a seizure and temporary losing my eyesight, this was such a scary time, it returned after a short time but the seizures continued, this made me very weak to the point I couldn't even get out of bed most days so there was no way I was able to attend a Worship festival called 'David's Tent, that was coming up that I was so excited to not only be attending but I really hoped to serve at.

I then attended wales to meet with my consultant. who was still unsure what was causing the seizures, I then began to think  maybe it's not a physical problem, the doctors couldn't explain what was causing them so maybe it was a spiritual problem. when I returned back to Bognor the seizures still continued, as it got closer and closer to the day of the festival It didn't look possible for me to attend 'David's Tent' at all. A friend was due to stay before the festival and also a missionary too who I had offered to host for the night before, I was close to cancelling these coming to stay but felt it was right to keep to the commitment I had made to host them. It was the night before they were due to arrive I was exhausted and had no idea how I was going to be of any use to them, but went to sleep praying Lord please give me the strength and rest I need, that night I slept the best I had in quite a long time.

The following day I awoke and was feeling better, felt I had rested well so I prepared a meal for their arrival and prayed the Lord would continue to give me the strength I need. I prayed I would have the strength to not only host them but I decided I would attempt to  attend the festival too. At first I thought I was to attend as a delegate, which I was a little upset I was unable to serve but felt attending the event was enough, so after an evening of hosting I  headed to bed and had yet another great nights rest.

The following morning I woke up refreshed and ready to start the day so I packed and got ready to leave for 'David's Tent' on arrival everyone went off to train and get ready to serve in the areas they had been given. I was a little upset to not be serving but went off with a friend whom I met last year to pitch up the tents ready for that evening, it was a miracle I had the energy to walk never mind pitch up some tent, Praise God!. After pitching up our tents I then went on to help others put up theirs, apparently i'm the 'camping queen'i had the knowledge of how to put all kinds of tents up. I was so happy that the Lord gave me the strength to help others, this felt so good I felt that I had the opportunity to serve in some way after all. 


That evening they had a ministry night for those who were serving, the 'Team Builders' I was told it was ok for me to attend this and this is where an amazing weekend began. Each team builder went forward for prayer and to receive ministry, I went forward for prayer and was in a Que which I thought led me to a woman but I ended up having a guy, at first I felt a little uneasy but as he prayed for me he started to speak truth into my life and this is where God completely blew my mind he said, "I feel the Lord is breaking the stronghold of seizures from your life, and that as God heals you he will give you the gift of healing and he will use you to heal, many people" I was amazed, I thought how does he know about my seizures not Many people knew about my health situation. But then he went on to say "God was going to restore my family and they will know he's real" I was buzzing, I then asked the team coordinator to find somewhere I could serve, I was willing to do anything, I felt re energised and ready to go, the Lord has healed me, I excepted my healing and couldn't wait to tell everyone.

The next morning I spoke with Sarah to the team coordinator and she said she has put me on the rota to serve as a steward I was so excited to meet the team and get started, after training we had lunch, after lunch there was a request of help with Camp hosting I was so excited about serving so offered to help, I met some amazing people and helped pitch up more tents, I came across one lovely woman who before helping her pitch said to me " I see the spirit of Lucy on you (from Narnia) sometimes you feel belittled and think you won't get to experience the adventures others around you are on, but the Lord if taking you on your on new adventures with him, hes taking you to deeper levels in him and will provide all the things you need to do it" this totally blew my mind even as I serve the Lord was speaking to me wow I thought Thursday was all I was going to receive but it was just the beginning of what the Lord was going to do for me this weekend. He always has more for you.

On Saturday I was booked in for a prophetic word appointment I thought what else could the Lord have for me, surely he's said everything already but I received so much more again and again all weekend, too much to type but I got blessings after blessing every day, the presence of God was amazing and a real Sense of family everywhere, I finally found where I belong. 

This weekend has been a life changing moment from great worship led by some amazing Worship leaders,great conversations about all that God is doing from healing to transforming lives. I'm so excited for what's to come. Thanks to all the people who have stood by me, supported and prayed for me.
Blessings Michelle.

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