Wednesday, 18 November 2015

I have just completed my final week of training, was great to finally meet some of the young people who will be coming to South Africa with me but not all of them will be in my team. Teams will be selected when we get into Durban after a week of Pre placement training.

Along with the 18 volunteers from the UK there will also be 18 volunteers from South Africa, then all 36 will be split into 6 teams, There are 3 Team leader from the UK which also get matched up with 3 Team leaders from South Africa.

I received my ID card which has now made it official I will leave for Africa 9th of February and return on the 24th August.

My overall job will be to co-ordinate and organise the teams to help in the best way needed.

This is going to be an incredible chance for me to give to South Africa again.I'm excited to have the opportunity to go back again and make a difference to people's lives.I believe it will be a life changing experience and I will have a chance to gain wisdom and experience in specific areas and will continue my relationship working with Tearfund

I'm so excited to input into the lives of the young people I'll be working with because I believe that every single one can make a difference and I'm looking forward to having the opportunity to help bring this gift in them all. I want to help the young people I'll be working with to not only transform the communities we are working in, but to also have the passion to go back home and transform their own communities, sending them home with the skills to make a difference in their own home towns.

For more information check out:

Here are all the UK volunteers.

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Its been a crazy month, I have completed the first week of training where I got to meet some of the other leaders, we had a great time together, built some new friendships. It was an intense few days, we were given so much information to take in, so much to ponder on but after a few weeks things seem a lot less intense, things are beginning to make sense. I'm coming to terms with what is expected of me. I'm excited about whats to come.

Meet some of the Leaders I've had the privilege to meet so far.

Poppy (going to Bangledesh) Aidan and Charis will be joining me in South Africa

As part of the training we were give a bit more info on what we will be doing, all this will be confirmed at the Pre Departure Training next week. Here I will get to meet some of the lovely young people I will be working with for my first few months in Durban.

Here is the Overall objective of the programme:

Improve education spaces/facilities, educational systems and educational support to children

This is done through working in four main areas:
  1. ECD (Early Childhood Development Centres)
  2. Primary Schools and after school programmes
  3. High Schools
  4. Youth 

Our team will continue and build onto existing projects, work alongside the organisation and possibly have opportunity to initiate our own projects.

Some of you have asked about my Accommodation, so last time I went in a big group and for security reasons we did stay in a hotel which may of looked like luxury, but this time I will be staying with a host family in the rural and peri-urban  communities. These will be with trusted families in the local community. I will be responsible for hand washing my own clothes, making my own lunch, making my bed, keeping my room tidy and assisting with any household chores.

We also have to walk for any water we use, there are washing facilities like showers but we must walk for the water before showering. so as you can see its not going to be a holiday its going to be a lot of work but I'm excited about what the Lord is going to do in and through me.

Here are the final placements dates I have been given.

Placement dates:
9th February - 24th August 2016

Placement #1: 14th February - 6th May (TLs 9th February - 11th May)
Placement #2: : 29th May - 19th August (TLs 24th May - 24th August)

I will spend the next few months fundraising, if you would like to support me you can donate here on my justgiving page.

Thanks, Blessings
Michelle x