I then had the blessing of staying in a hotel for just under a week, which was amazing, a real nice birthday present from another great friend of mine, as I checked into the hotel it dawned on me this is the last weekend I'll spend in Manchester for a while, but I was expectant for what God was going to do at Audacious Conference which I had the pleasure of serving at with this amazing bunch.
To start off with I didn't really feel like I should be there and continued to go just because I was on team then I went to a session with John Cameron called spirituality. He looked at not looking at who you are and making it a limit to what Gods got for you. But see yourself the way God sees you and then he went on to say "God will put you where he wants to grow you to be who he wants you to be"
This reminded me of the strengths I have in God and being in Manchester was a season and he's moving me on to bigger and better things.
The next part of this crazy summer was Greenbelt, some friends asked if I was willing to help on their team as their numbers was short so I thought a week in the house or go do something different, so I decided to go the journey there was crazy and when we arrived I was already exhausted. But I plodded on and had an early night. When I woke up I went to the team meeting where we got given the people who we were Suppose to look after for the festival, I got paired with a lovely girl called Vicky, I was a little worried about going and not knowing anyone but straight away God opened a door so I wasn't alone, he does that you know give us whatever our heart desires.
I won't go into too much details but I had to look after some challenging people and this really tested my patience, to continue serving them with a smile on my face and say "yes I'll see what I can do" to every demand, but that evening God reminded me again, I don't need to demand for things as he already knows what I need, he knew in advance these people would be a trial For me and that's why he gave me someone to share the load with. It wasn't completely easy but it was easier to have someone work alongside me to share he load, this is how I kind of how I feel with life at the moment too, it's really tough at the moment but it's easier knowing I have people around me to support me.
Finally sorry for the long post guys...
David's Tent, well I arrived back from Greenbelt and after one nights sleep in a proper bed I headed to David's Tent. For those of you who don't know what that is no it's not a tent that belongs to David it's an event of 72 hours of worship, I was so excited when I heard about this event and signed up straight away yet again to serve. This wasn't a great idea especially so soon after Greenbelt. Im not sure what to say about it really, I guess it just wasn't for, which was upsetting but every time I entered "the tent" you could see the presence of God was intense and people were really getting touched by him, but I just felt alone, and uncomfortable, it didn't feel like family and it felt wrong for me to be there, I loved serving on team and that was my highlight of the whole event being able to serve people. I would definitely recommend you check it our for yourself as it was a good weekend for the majority of people and God was clearly touching a lot of people.
I loved being with a great bunch of people and have made some new friends too. I had the pleasure of spending some short but quality time with Tabitha, in picture below and I'm excited to hear what God does in and through her next.
So that's all for now more to report soon on the next part of my journey with him :)
Love & Blessings
Michelle xx