Thursday, 28 June 2012

Hi everyone! In this post I really want to tell you why I feel called to Brazil and what I plan on doing there. First I will start with what is The Pais Project and its vision. Pais is all about missionaries making missionaries and further the Kingdom of God. At Pais Brazil we will be working with the schools; whether it be giving them lessons, helping them clean, inviting them to youth group at the Pais Brazil partnered church, helping with after school groups, etc. This is really needed because the public school system is very poor and half the time the teaches are on strike and do not come in. The students are very open and receptive to learning and getting to know God. We will also be working in the favelas, or shanty towns, bringing them a weekly message and also bringing them clothes, food, medicine, whatever the need including prayer.

Also we will being working with the local partnered church and the youth group. We will go through training and we will also train students and mentor them one on one and in groups. We also have small groups every week! My vision and desire for this mission is to really show the people in Brazil the heart of God and to further His Kingdom. I want to show the youth that God ha amazing plans for them and that He loves them unconditionally. I have a real heart for youth all over the world it is my heart and my passion to let them know then have a purpose in life and God loves them so much. I want to make a difference with God's help in their lives. I want the youth to see their potential and strive to be the best they can be and to take what they have learned and teach others! God has put such a passion and love in my heart for the country and people of Brazil!!! I also want to take everything I learn in Brazil and bring it back here to Wales and the UK and continue to make a difference in the lives of the youth here too.

This is an incredible opportunity for me to learn and grow in so many ways. This will also give me the experience and training to become a Youth Pastor one day! I hope this has allowed you to get to know me and my vision a little bit more. Please pray for me and the people who will be in my team and the people of Brazil and if you would like to donate please do all you have to do is follow the link below.
I really need your help to get to Brazil and to further God's Kingdom. If you would like to be a part of this I would really appreciate it I really need you guys to help me fundraise. The first thing I need to fundraise for is my plane ticket which is around £2000 this may seem a lot of money but God can provide this through money people I'm sure. The next thing I need is around £300 for my Visa and then a further £300 to start me off for my first few months in Brazil. So if even if you can only give as little as £1 it all makes a big difference to me.

Please share this with everyone you know God Bless.

Thursday, 14 June 2012


"For we speak as messengers approved by God to be entrusted with the Good News. Our purpose is to please God, not people. He alone examines the motives of our hearts" 1 Thessalonians 2:4

Man proposes, but God disposes. We make our choices, but God decides what He really wants us to do. And God's choices are not always ours.

The nation of Israel was given an opportunity to choose a leader, and they selected a man named Saul. Saul was taller than everybody else. He was more handsome. He was a People magazine's sexiest-man-alive type of guy. So he was the perfect choice—by the people, for the people.

The problem was that he wasn't God's choice. And he messed up. Then God showed the people His choice, a young man named David who watched his father's sheep. His earthly father effectively had disowned him. But God saw David as a man after His own heart (see 1 Samuel 13:14).

When people consider choices for spiritual leaders, they tend to be drawn to certain types, just like the people of Israel were in Saul's day. But we see from the story of David and Saul that God ultimately makes the decision. It doesn't matter whether they have gone to Bible college or seminary or have multiple degrees. Those things are fine. But they don't automatically mean that someone has been called by God.

People cannot ordain people to ministry; only God can. All we can do is merely acknowledge what God has already done in calling someone into His service.
So if you think you may be called to ministry, whatever you perceive that to be, start where you are right now and be faithful in the little things.

Do things for the Glory of God. The apostle Paul wrote to the believers in 1 Thessalonians 2:4. "For we speak as messengers approved by God to be entrusted with the Good News....... "

 So don't worry about whether anyone notices or applauds you just serve God faithfully.